Financial Options at Georgia Tech
There are a variety of creative ways to finance your Georgia Tech education! Students use work, research, and study abroad experiences to make Tech affordable. Review the options below.
Private Loans
Student and parent educational loans may provide affordable financing. Review private loan information.
Private Loans
Outside Scholarships
There are many scholarship opportunities that do not involve Georgia Tech directly. These are considered outside scholarships. Review some available outside scholarship opportunities.
Outside Scholarships
Georgia Tech’s Career Center offers meaningful work experience and a means of earning to defray a portion of educational costs through co-op programs. Georgia Tech’s co-op program is designed to complement your classroom education with paid practical work experience. Co-op students alternate semesters of on-campus study with full-time employment, typically earning $8,000-$10,000 per work term.
Co-op Opportunities
Internships give you the flexibility to gain experience in your field, create a network of contacts, and receive academic credit and/or pay. You can choose to intern domestically or abroad through the Career Center’s global internship program.
Internship Opportunities
On-Campus Employment
Georgia Tech employs more than 7,000 students across the Institute. Visit the Human Resources website below to learn more about the different positions and job opportunities available on campus.
Student Employment
Study Abroad
Study Abroad opportunities give valuable experience. For non-residents, they may also provide a significant savings for participants. Close to 52 percent of Georgia Tech students study or intern abroad by graduation. There are over 120 study abroad programs, ensuring that you can participate regardless of your choice of major.
Study Abroad Opportunities
Undergraduate research gives you the opportunity to participate in research with faculty across campus. You can earn course credit or salary for your work (salary varies between labs).
Research Opportunities
Return on Investment
A college education is a significant investment, and it makes sense to weigh tuition, fees, and other expenses against future earning potential. Georgia Tech is recognized as a great “return on investment.” When did the math, it rated Georgia Tech No.1 for graduates’ annualized salaries compared to tuition.
Return on Investment
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