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Fall First-Year Students

Financial aid can help make college more affordable. We encourage all incoming students to apply for financial aid. You should file as early as you can to maximize your potential aid opportunities. By applying for financial aid, you're automatically considered for all need-based aid. You will need to reapply for financial aid every year.

Application Steps

If you wish to receive funds from any federal, state, or institutional sources for the fall semester, you must complete the 2025-26 Georgia Tech Application for Scholarships and Financial Aid (GT APP).

Please note: Students who have been awarded funds from outside/private scholarships must also complete a GT App so that the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) may determine the proper disbursement schedule for your funds.

Items Needed
You will need a GT Account username and password to login to OSCAR to access the form. To activate your GT account, visit

Submit the GT App

College Board’s CSS Profile is an online application for non-federal student financial aid. This application is only required for incoming first-year students who want to be considered for need-based assistance from Georgia Tech institutional funds. The CSS Profile is NOT required for students applying for Federal funds only, HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship only, or those who do not want to be considered for institutional funds.

Please note: The CSS Profile application cannot be accepted after the deadline on January 31.

Items Needed

  • College Board username and password or sign up for a new account.
  • Georgia Tech's CSS code: 5248.
  • Most recently completed tax returns.
  • W-2 forms and other records of current year income, as well as records of untaxed income and benefits if applicable.
  • Assets and bank statements.

Review the CSS Profile Student Guide for additional information and tips.

Submit the CSS Profile

In addition to the GT App, if you wish to be considered for Federal Aid or need-based institutional funds, you must also complete the 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) using your 2023 tax information. OSFA uses the FASFA to determine whether you qualify for federal, state, or institutional funds that carry a financial need component.

The FAFSA will be available in December 2024. Georgia Tech's Title IV school code is 001569.

However, students should start early by creating an FSA ID for themselves and, if applicable, have your parent/guardian create their own FSA ID as soon as possible. Visit the Federal Student Aid website to learn how to create and link these accounts.

Please note: Georgia residents who wish to apply for the HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship ONLY may complete the Georgia Student Financial Aid Application (GSFAPPS) form instead of the FAFSA. The GT App is also required.

Submit FAFSA

The Georgia Student Financial Aid Application (GSFAPPS) is the state aid application for Georgia residents who want to be considered for the HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship ONLY. You do NOT need to complete the GSFAPPS if you are applying for federal financial aid and submitting the FAFSA. To be considered for the HOPE or Zell Miller Scholarship, you must also complete the GT App.

Submit the GSFAPPS

Important Dates and Deadlines

The deadline to apply for Georgia Tech financial aid is January 31, 2025. This deadline applies to the Georgia Tech Application for Scholarships and Financial Aid and the CSS Profile. We encourage you to complete all applications as soon as possible.

To be considered an “on-time” financial aid applicant, all applicable aid applications listed above, as well as any requested documentation, must be received and complete by January 31. OSFA will continue to accept late applications and documentation after January 31, however, we strongly encourage all applicants to submit their completed applications and documentation as soon as possible so we can determine your eligibility for other types of aid.

Next Steps

Learn about the financial aid award process, including information on how aid is determined, instructions for accepting your awards, and more!

The Award Process

Next Steps

Admitted to the Summer Term?

Since the Summer 2025 semester is part of the 2024-25 academic year, the applications above do not cover the upcoming summer term. If you wish to apply for financial aid for the Summer 2025 semester, you must complete the summer first-year aid applications separately, along with any other supplemental documentation requested.

Apply for Summer Aid