Cost Adjustments

Cost of attendance may also include other expenses like an allowance for the rental or purchase of a personal computer, costs related to a disability, or costs for eligible study-abroad programs. These specific costs may be considered as an adjustment to your cost of attendance. You may submit a Cost of Attendance appeal to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid by using our secure portal.


Child care and/or dependent care expenses incurred to care for a child or other dependent may be allowed as an addition to the Cost of Attendance. The dependent must be part of your household, and the care must be required for you to attend classes. For example, if the dependent is a child who is in school during the same time you attend classes, a dependent-care allowance would not be included. Likewise, if the spouse is normally at home to provide care, an allowance would not be appropriate. Actual costs incurred (to a maximum of $600 per semester) are considered, and documentation must be provided.

Computer ownership is required for all entering undergraduates. On request, a one-time $1,100 adjustment may be added to a student's Cost of Attendance for purposes of determining his or her eligibility for student financial assistance. A receipt showing computer purchase costs will be required at the start of the first term.

If you have a disability, an allowance may be considered for those expenses related to the disability, including special services, transportation, equipment, and/or supplies that are reasonable and required for pursuit of an eligible program of study and not provided by other assisting agencies. You must be able to justify and document these costs.

Some students may be required to pay for their own individual health insurance costs. On a case-by-case basis, our office will consider written requests for a Cost of Attendance increase given the following requirements:

The maximum amount approved by this Cost of Attendance increase will be equal to the lesser of the cost of the Board of Regents approved plan or the actual amount paid. Students using the Board of Regents approved vendor will not need to provide a receipt; however, students using vendors other than the Board of Regents approved vendor will need to provide documentation stating the effective dates of the insurance policy and the amount paid.

Adjustments may be made to the housing component of a student's cost of attendance if there are extenuating circumstances making the higher cost necessary. For example, a student may appeal to request an increase if standard housing options are not suitable for them, due to documented health or other personal circumstances.

The standard amount included for on-campus housing cost reflects the greater of the weighted average and the weighted median of actual housing rates charged to 1st year students, other undergraduates, and graduate students, respectively. The standard amount for off campus housing costs is derived from a comprehensive review of housing options in the area, including those listed at For undergraduate students, the figure is based on sharing an apartment, not a bedroom. For graduate students, the figure is based on a studio or one-bedroom apartment that is not shared.

Actual costs of loan origination fees and guarantee fees may be added to the budgets for recipients of educational loans if such fees exceed standard estimates.

Any reasonable costs associated with employment in a cooperative education program (to a maximum of $2,250 per year) may be considered in your Cost of Attendance. However, eligibility for co-op terms in which there is no enrollment in coursework is limited to private education loans.

Reasonable costs associated with a study abroad program sponsored by the University System of Georgia may be considered in the Cost of Attendance. Email your advisor for more information concerning financial aid for study abroad.

You can expect to have varied costs per semester for books and supplies. The average/estimated component in the annual/published Cost of Attendance is meant to be a guide. Depending upon your field of study and/or your course load, you may have additional costs for required text books and/or course materials. You may submit for review an appeal for consideration of extraordinary expenses by providing to our office a written statement of your expenses and copies of receipts showing book and supply purchases. Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis and within a reasonable amount, we may approve an adjustment to your cost of attendance.

Students may request cost adjustments based on documented expenses. Requests must be submitted in writing to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid along with the appropriate supporting documentation. Please email your financial aid advisor with any questions.

How to Submit a Cost of Attendance (COA) Appeal:

  1. Create an account at VerifyMyFAFSA (also linked under the Financial Aid Requirements section in OSCAR).

  2. Log into OSCAR and navigate to:

    • Secured Access Login

    • Financial Aid

    • Financial Aid Dashboard

    • My Requirements

    • Select the appropriate Aid Year

  1. Click Manage Request in the portal.

  2. Select COA Appeal for the appropriate aid year.

  3. Provide a detailed statement explaining the reason for your appeal.

  • Attach all supporting documents relevant to your appeal.

Go to Portal