Finalize Your Financial Aid Offer

Report Outside Scholarships/Resources

Students must report to the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid (OSFA) any scholarships, grants, private loans, and other types of assistance from outside sources. This includes financial assistance from high schools, communities, civic and professional associations, and other programs.

Students are responsible for providing official notification from the donor as soon as they are offered an award or scholarship. Upon receipt of the scholarship notification, OSFA will recalculate your eligibility for restricted and need-based aid.

Federal regulations require students to report any scholarship, grant, special teacher rate, or other assistance received from sources other than Georgia Tech. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of any and all aid administered by Georgia Tech.

Report Outside Scholarships

Direct Loan Borrowers Should Complete Loan Steps

Before you can receive funds from your Federal Direct Student Loan, there are required steps you must complete to finalize the loans that will appear on your financial aid offer.

Finalize Your Loans


GThanks is an initiative to show appreciation to the donor and/or family whose generosity made your scholarship or fellowship possible.

More About GThanks

Offer Revisions

If you wish to make changes to accepted financial aid, please email your request to

Next Steps

Find out how and when your financial aid offer will be disbursed to your student account.

Receive Your Aid

 A young woman smiles at something off camera while another person is sitting out of focus at the edge of frame, facing away from the camera.