Finalize Your Federal Loans

Steps to Finalize Loans

To finalize loans that appear on your financial aid offer, complete the following steps. Requirements can also be viewed in OSCAR. To review, select "My Eligibility & Requirements" from the Financial Aid box, and complete document(s) at the Federal Student Aid website.

Complete the form below for the appropriate year based on your federal loan type.

Before you can receive funds from your Direct Student Loan, it is very important that you know and understand your rights and responsibilities as a student borrower. You must complete a counseling session required by federal regulation.

This step is required for the Subsidized and Unsubsidized Direct Student Loans and for the Graduate PLUS loan. It is not required for the Parent PLUS loan.

You do not have to wait to complete this requirement, and we strongly encourage you to complete this requirement as soon as possible to avoid disbursement delays.

Complete Counseling

The Master Promissory Note (MPN) is a legal document in which you promise to repay your loan(s) to the U.S. Department of Education. It also explains the terms and conditions of your loan(s).

Sign the electronic MPN now or on receipt of your notice. Please allow 2-3 days for your MPN requirements to appear “satisfied” in OSCAR.

Sign the MPN

Sign up for Direct Deposit. See the Office of the Bursar for details.

Deadlines: during registration period.

Register for at least six credit hours. Disbursements to eligible students begin on the Wednesday before the first day of class.

Deadlines: during registration period.

Important Deadlines

Complete the appropriate loan forms, entrance counseling, and Master Promissory Note by the deadline below based on semester.

  • Fall – July 31
  • Spring – December 1
  • Summer – April 1